
  • ♥ I am Rebekah, a stay at home mama of two hilarious little boys and a darling baby girl and wife to to one amazing man. I make things, mostly jewelry and love the process of creating as an outlet. I love to bake, make dinner for my family, decorate, and daydream. I love photography and wish I had a green thumb but really don’t. Most days you will find me at home with my kids hanging out and having fun. I believe without a doubt that I am blessed beyond measure and praise the Lord for the life He has given me, and the chance to live it to the fullest. In this space I long to share a piece of our happy world! ♥

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January 08, 2008



aaahaha. Oh I laughed so hard at this one. I read it aloud to Tom and he said "That sounds like something I would do too." Life sure is a comedy routine when you have a little one around...but so many memories you won't forget!

I love your photo project idea...count me in! It's the perfect excuse to make me use my camera more. This should be fun! :)


what a night! doesn't sound too far off of what goes on around here during the wee hours. :)

of course i'm all over the photo project! it will be so fun to see everyone's 10 photos each month; thanks for inviting us to do this with you!


oh my gosh your life sounds so parallel to ours...I only wish we could sit around and share these hilarious stories!! When I think of some I'll write an email to you to share!! :-) I think I'm in on the photos on the 10th- wish me luck as my life sounds the same as yours- very busy!! but at the same time, it connects us to the outside world somewhat right??


You really can't make this stuff up! It is actually pretty funny cause Ryan prefers to feed Sean in the nude. Chris might realize he is on to something . . . . I love the picture idea. I might have to join, however this month I am working on the 10th so I might have to do the 11th. We shall see. Thanks for the great story!


that's so hilarious! matt definitely does everything he can in his boxers, but i don't know about nude! i'm definitely up for the photo project, but i'm home sick today, so i don't know interesting the photos will be tomorrow :(


hmmmm. 10th day, 1 pic every hour? let me read that again...I'm in...some may have to be from my iphone but it'll still be interesting.
um, and the late at night breast milk spillage/nude husband in the kitchen...sounds like Chris might be needing some special attention...


oh how funny... I wish I had read this sooner and had my camera this morning! I think I just witnessed Eli PUSHING for the first time. ha!
I'm in for the 10 and 10 thing :)

I love your stories Rebekah! it's so fun to read your blog and Levi looks so tough! What a cutie. I hope all of us ladies can get together soon.

jenny g

Wow, Levi is changing..like crazy! He looks adorable.

I too wish I had read this post earlier...but it's never too late. Unfortunately ALL of my posts will have to be from my iphone today..but next month the 10th is on a Sunday so I'll be happy about that!

Here's to photo journalism.

Oh, and maybe one day I'll get Jeff's permission to share his "crazy naked man" story..what's with those Gough boys?


oh I wish I had done the 10 on 10 today, the picture of me stepping in Saben's poop on the floor would have been priceless. Can't wait to see yours Rebekah!


My tolet paper rolls look the same as yours! Thanks for posting... I feel better. That little Levi is such a cutie! He has an adorable personality- you can tell by his smile.

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